Friday, June 28, 2013



Mobility at the Crossroads…


BIG Data–As Big As It Gets!

The Real World of Big DataThe Real World of Big Data via Wikibon Infographics

All Paths taken by the CIO to the Cloud

Pacific Crest Securities recently published the results of a survey of chief information officers (CIO) as regards cloud computing. The study found that CIO’s are finding the “path to the cloud” is more complicated than just signing up with Amazon Web Services (AWS) or upgrading shares of EMC to Outperform from Neutral. Pacific Crest calls the revolution in cloud computing we’re experiencing “click to compute” and that there are ‘six pathways to the cloud’ including but not limited to SaaS and AWS: there’s also virtualization and automation, OpenStack, converged systems and services.

But EMC, as big as it is, hasn’t fallen prey to disruptive offerings from smaller, more nimble providers.  The traditional storage vendor has taken steps to diversify its portfolio and keep up with new technology.  When it comes to these six pathways to the cloud in particular, EMC has done a great deal in recent months to advance its efforts. Here is a collection of those recent advancements, broken down by “pathway”:

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Be Like Da Vinci: Develop Your Own Idea Management System

Great article on Ideas and their potential.

Some of the greatest moments in science and the arts come from a quick flash of thought, when things just start lighting up within the your mind. You’ll never be able to predict when those moments will occur — and being prepared is critical. Everyone has ideas,  but few take the time to cultivate them. It is up to you, to effectively capture and nurture these moments of inspiration.

Read on @

Wednesday, June 19, 2013





Photo: Many more great posts at  Words of Wisdom<br />		<br />Click for more beautiful and meaningful quotes and images ♥<br />.

Career Planning

A good alternative career planning advice that I came across. It tends to simplify career thinking. Worth some thought!!

“Some of us tend to see our goals (at work and in life) as opportunities for advancement, achievement and rewards. We think about what we might gain if we are successful in reaching them. If you are someone who sees your goals this way, you have what's called a promotion focus.

The rest of us see our goals as being about security — about not losing everything we've worked so hard for. When you are prevention-focused, you want to avoid danger, fulfill your responsibilities, and be someone people can count on. You want to keep things running smoothly.”

Read on:

If you are promotion-focused, look for jobs that offer advancement and growth. Consider fast-paced industries where products and services are rapidly changing, and where the ability to identify opportunities will be essential, like the tech sector or social media. To use a sports metaphor, look for a career where you get to play offense — where boldness, speed, and outside-the-box thinking pay off.

If you are prevention-focused, look for jobs that offer you a sense of stability and security. You are good at keeping things running, at handling complexity and always having a Plan B (and C and D) ready at a moment's notice. Consider careers where your thoroughness and attention to detail are valued — for instance, as a contract lawyer or data guru. You work best when you are playing defense — you can spot a threat a mile away, and protect your company or client from harm.

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