Monday, July 22, 2013

Planning Your Idea Management Initiative (Govt Example)

  • Identify the Purpose of the Site: Idea management tools can serve a variety of purposes for your agency. Identifying the purpose of your idea management initiative early on will allow you to choose the best tool that fits the needs of your agency and your audience. For instance, if you are creating an idea management site that is for internal use only, identifying the purpose from the beginning will ensure that you select a tool that will work on your agency’s network and include features relevant to your initiative. Furthermore, by identifying the purpose of the tool, you can include any relevant stakeholders throughout the life cycle of your idea management initiative.
  • Develop a Written Plan: The written plan is the foundation for your idea management initiative. The written plan should outline the key roles and responsibilities for creating and managing your idea management page.  The written plan should include a clearly defined purpose and audience (e.g., generate ideas to improve agency operations, find ways to save money, etc.). Lastly, the plan should identify the site administrator and any workflows or policies for approving and removing content.
  • Get the Requisite Approvals: Seek approval from the appropriate decision-makers throughout your agency to create awareness, establish proper protocols, and gain buy-in from key stakeholders and participants.
  • Develop a Terms of Use Policy: A Terms of Use statement is a set of rules that users must follow in order to participate on the site.  The statement should be featured prominently on the site, clearly state how the site is moderated, identify the rules for posting an idea or comment and any consequences for violating the rules.  Make certain to add a disclaimer that notifies users that your agency has the right to reject any idea or comment that is submitted.
  • Develop a Comment Moderating Policy: In addition to voting, some idea management sites allow users to comment on the posted ideas. When planning your idea management initiative, ascertain whether you will allow commenting on the ideas contained on your idea management site. If you allow commenting, determine if visitors will be required to register for the site and if their comments will need to be approved before being made visible to the public.

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